Energy is Everywhere

More than anywhere, heavy industrial environments are subject to machinery failure which, in many cases, has a severe effect on production.
Most equipment, particularly with rotating components, have both a vibrational signature and a unique energy signature.
With AVA's advanced monitoring technology, it is now possible to monitor these machine features to ensure it continues to run within normal operating parameters.
And if it doesn't, AVA will let you know.
Management of electrical assets in any commercial environment is at the core of every facility managers activities.
The ability to reduce downtime, mitigate energy and make maintenance more stream lined is where AVA can help.
Not only can we keep track of your electrical systems but we can help manage your tenants. It is often the case, particularly in older buildings that utility billing is not always straightforward.
Ask us how we can make this easier.

Aged Care
It is well understood that the average age of populations across the world are increasing. We are eating better, living healthier lifestyles, and our medical advances have contributed to us all experiencing a longer life expectancy.
These advances have put additional pressure on the systems that were designed to manage the elderly and those living alone. The costs are escalating to build new facilities, to help house, and care, for the increasing number of people needing monitoring.
One of the solutions is to keep the elderly person in their homes longer by adding better monitoring systems, and AVA is the best in class.
A light out tells a guest that you don't care about your hotel, so it stands to reason that you don't care about your guests either.
Don't wait for someone to tell you about that light, let AVA tell you as soon as it happens.
Don't wait for complaints about quality and comfort, know before the guests know. It's all possible with our advanced monitoring systems.

Data Centres
Our dependence on Data Centres has become a reality of the digital world we live in. Without them, industries across the globe come to a grinding halt and the cost of downtime is astronomical.
Keeping servers running is a 24/7 undertaking and requires multiple levels of redundancy systems.
AVA can add another level of monitoring of both an electrical and vibrational nature.
The advanced sensing technologies built into AVA means it can detect any change in performance and alert you.

Where there is motion, there is mechanical equipment.
Many warehouse environments run automation and robotic systems which are all driven by motors. They all rely on moving parts that need regular service and maintenance.
With our advanced monitoring system, using AI and machine learning, your supply chain keeps moving.

When you get your bill each month, do you often wonder where all the energy is being used?
Like many homeowners, understanding your energy use is the only way to manage your costs.
Are your appliances efficient?
How long are they left on for?
Is your bill accurate...?
Balance all your loads and manage your onsite energy generation in the one place.
AVA can help you keep your energy provider honest and your teenage child accountable...?
Every Industry has a relationship with the people that reside within it, and the education environment is no different.
There is a flow of students that come and go through the buildings and at different times over the course of a week.
This flow is represented in the electrical systems and when tapped into provides a host of insights in how to optimise energy use, manage education assets and ensure safety at all times.

High Density Residential
Many of us now live in apartment buildings that are effectively micro-cities.
These environments provide opportunities that are not available elsewhere that can improve safety, security and use the local community resources to provide all manner of social enterprise services.